Source code for shapedata.single_shape.data_processing

# author: Justus Schock (

import os
from sklearn.decomposition import PCA
from skimage import io as sio
from skimage.transform import AffineTransform, warp_coords
import numpy as np
import glob
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from multiprocessing import Pool
import SimpleITK as sitk
from delira.utils.imageops import sitk_resample_to_spacing

from ..utils import is_landmark_file, is_image_file, LMK_EXTENSIONS, \
from tqdm import tqdm
from import ljson_importer, ljson_exporter, pts_importer, pts_exporter
from ..base_data_processing import BaseSingleImage, AbstractSingleImage
from copy import deepcopy

[docs]class SingleImage2D(BaseSingleImage): """ Holds Single Image """ def __init__(self, img, lmk=None, **kwargs): """ Parameters ---------- img : np.ndarray actual image pixels lmk : np.ndarray landmarks kwargs : additional kwargs like file paths """ super().__init__(img) self.lmk = lmk for key, val in kwargs.items(): setattr(self, key, val)
[docs] @classmethod def from_npy_files(cls, file, **kwargs): """ Create class from image file Parameters ---------- file : str path to image file **kwargs : additional keyword arguments Returns ------- :class:`SingleImage2D` class instance """ img, lmk = None, None sitk_image = sitk.ReadImage(file) if kwargs.get("resample_spacing", False): sitk_image = sitk_resample_to_spacing( sitk_image, [1.0]*sitk_image.GetDimension()) img = sitk.GetArrayFromImage(sitk_image) img_file = file lmk_file = None for ext in LMK_EXTENSIONS: curr_ext = "." + file.rsplit(".", maxsplit=1)[-1] _lmk_file = file.replace(curr_ext, ext) if os.path.isfile(_lmk_file): lmk = np.loadtxt(_lmk_file) lmk_file = _lmk_file return cls(img, lmk, img_file=img_file, lmk_file=lmk_file, **kwargs)
[docs] @classmethod def from_ljson_files(cls, img_file, **kwargs): """ Creates class from menpo pts landmarks and image Parameters ---------- img_file : str image file to load **kwargs : additional keyword arguments Returns ------- :class:`SingleImage2D` class instance """ sitk_image = sitk.ReadImage(img_file) if kwargs.get("resample_spacing", False): sitk_image = sitk_resample_to_spacing( sitk_image, [1.0]*sitk_image.GetDimension()) img = sitk.GetArrayFromImage(sitk_image) pt_file = img_file.rsplit(".", 1)[0] + ".ljson" if os.path.isfile(pt_file): points = ljson_importer(pt_file) else: points = None return cls(img, points, img_file=img_file, lmk_file=pt_file, **kwargs)
[docs] @classmethod def from_pts_files(cls, img_file, **kwargs): """ Creates class from menpo ljson landmarks and image Parameters ---------- img_file : str image file to load **kwargs : additional keyword arguments Returns ------- :class:`SingleImage2D` class instance """ sitk_image = sitk.ReadImage(img_file) if kwargs.get("resample_spacing", False): sitk_image = sitk_resample_to_spacing( sitk_image, [1.0]*sitk_image.GetDimension()) img = sitk.GetArrayFromImage(sitk_image) pt_file = img_file.rsplit(".", 1)[0] + ".pts" if os.path.isfile(pt_file): points = pts_importer(pt_file) else: points = None return cls(img, points, img_file=img_file, lmk_file=pt_file, **kwargs)
[docs] def _save_landmarks(self, filepath, lmk_type, **kwargs): """ Saves landmarks to file Parameters ---------- filepath : str path to file the landmarks should be saved to lmk_type : str specifies the type of landmark file **kwargs additional keyword arguments passed to save function Raises ------ ValueError no valid landmarktype is given """ if lmk_type.lower() == 'ljson': if not filepath.endswith('.ljson'): filepath = filepath + ".ljson" return ljson_exporter(self.lmk, filepath, **kwargs) elif lmk_type.lower() == 'pts': if not filepath.endswith('.pts'): filepath = filepath + '.pts' return pts_exporter(self.lmk, filepath, **kwargs) elif lmk_type.lower() == 'npy': if not filepath.endswith('.txt'): filepath = filepath + ".txt" return np.savetxt(filepath, self.lmk, **kwargs) else: raise ValueError("Landmarktype not supported!")
[docs] def _transform_lmk(self, transformation: AffineTransform): """ Apply transformation inplace to landmarks Parameters ---------- transformation : :class:`skimage.transform.AffineTransform` transformation to apply Returns ------- :class:`BaseSingleImage` Image with Transformed Landmarks """ if self.lmk is not None: # flip coords for transformation and flip back afterwards self.lmk = transformation(np.ascontiguousarray(self.lmk[:, [1, 0]]) )[:, [1, 0]] return self.cartesian_coordinates()
[docs] def homogeneous_coordinates(self): """ Transforms landmark coordinates inplace to homogeneous coordinates Returns ------- :class:`SingleImage2D` Image with Landmarks in Homogeneous Coordinates """ if self.is_cartesian: self.lmk = np.hstack([self.lmk, np.ones((self.lmk.shape[0], 1))]) self.is_homogeneous = True return self
[docs] def cartesian_coordinates(self): """ Transforms landmark coordinates inplace to cartesian coordinates Returns ------- class:`SingleImage2D` Image with Landmarks in cartesian Coordinates """ if self.is_homogeneous: self.lmk = self.lmk[:, :-1] / self.lmk[:, -1].reshape( self.lmk.shape[0], 1) self.is_cartesian = True return self
[docs] def normalize_rotation(self, index_left, index_right, **kwargs): """ normalizes rotation based on two keypoints index_left : int landmark-index of the left point index_right : int landmark-index of the right point **kwargs: additional keyword arguments (passed to :meth:`warp`) Returns ------- :class:`SingleImage2D` normalized image """ return self._normalize_rotation(self.lmk, index_left, index_right, **kwargs)
[docs] def view(self, view_landmarks=False, create_fig=False, **kwargs): """ Shows image (and optional the landmarks) Parameters ---------- view_landmarks : bool whether or not to show the landmarks **kwargs : additional keyword arguments (are passed to imshow) Returns ------- :class:`Figure` figure with plot """ if create_fig: fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.gca() else: fig = plt.gcf() ax = plt.gca() ax.imshow(self.img.squeeze(), **kwargs) if view_landmarks and self.lmk is not None: marker_size = min(max(self.img.shape)//100, 15) ax.scatter(self.lmk[:, 1], self.lmk[:, 0], c="C0", s=marker_size) return fig
[docs] def _crop(self, min_y, min_x, max_y, max_x): """ Implements actual cropping inplace Parameters ---------- min_y : int minimum y value min_x : int minimum x value max_y : int maximum y value max_x : int maximum x value Returns ------- :class:`SingleImage2D` cropped image """ self.img = self.img[int(min_y): int(max_y), int(min_x): int(max_x)] if self.lmk is not None: self.lmk = self._crop_lmks(self.lmk, int(min_y), int(min_x), int(max_y), int(max_x)) return self
[docs] def _crop_to_landmarks(self, proportion=0., **kwargs): """ Crop to landmarks Parameters ---------- proportion : float Cropping Proportion **kwargs : additional keyword arguments (ignored here) Returns ------- :class:`SingleImage2D` Cropped Image """ min_y, min_x, max_y, max_x = self.get_landmark_bounds(self.lmk) range_x = max_x - min_x range_y = max_y - min_y max_range = max(range_x, range_y) * (1 + proportion) center_x = min_x + range_x / 2 center_y = min_y + range_y / 2 return self.crop(center_y - max_range / 2, center_x - max_range / 2, center_y + max_range / 2, center_x + max_range / 2)
[docs]class DataProcessing(object): """ Process multiple SingleImages See Also -------- :class:`SingleImage2D` """ def __init__(self, samples, dim=2, **kwargs): """ Parameters ---------- samples : list list of SingleImages dim : int number of image dimensions **kwargs : additional keyword arguments """ super().__init__() self.samples = samples self.dim = dim for key, val in kwargs.items(): setattr(self, key, val)
[docs] @classmethod def from_dir(cls, data_dir, verbose=True, n_jobs=None, n_dim=2): """ create class instance from directory Parameters ---------- data_dir : str directory where shapedata is stored verbose : bool whether or not to print current progress n_jobs : int number of jobs for loading data (default: None -> all available CPUs are used) n_dim : int Integer indicating the dimensionality of the image (default: 2) Returns ------- :class:`DataProcessing` class instance """ if verbose: print("Loading shapedata from %s" % data_dir) wrapper_fn = tqdm else: def linear_wrapper(x): return x wrapper_fn = linear_wrapper files = cls._get_files(data_dir, IMG_EXTENSIONS_2D) if n_jobs == 1: samples = [] for file in wrapper_fn(files): samples.append(SingleImage2D.from_files(file)) else: with Pool(n_jobs) as p: samples =, files) return cls(samples=samples, dim=n_dim)
@property def landmarks(self): """ get list of samples' landmarks Returns ------- list landmarks """ return [tmp.lmk for tmp in self.samples] @property def images(self): """ get list of samples' pixels Returns ------- list pixels """ return [tmp.img for tmp in self.samples]
[docs] def resize(self, img_size): """ resize all samples Parameters ---------- img_size : tuple new image size """ for idx, sample in enumerate(self.samples): self.samples[idx] = sample.resize(img_size)
[docs] @staticmethod def _get_files(directory, extensions): """ return files with extensions Parameters ---------- directory : str directory containing the files extensions : list list of strings specifying valid extensions Returns ------- list valid files """ files = [] if not isinstance(extensions, list): extensions = [extensions] for ext in extensions: ext = ext.strip(".") files += glob.glob(directory + "/*." + ext) files.sort() return files
def __getitem__(self, index): return self.samples[index] def __setitem__(self, index, value): self.samples[index] = value def __len__(self): return len(self.samples)
[docs] def lmk_pca(self, scale: bool, center: bool, pt_indices=[], *args, **kwargs): """ perform PCA on samples' landmarks Parameters ---------- scale : bool whether or not to scale the principal components with the corresponding eigen value center : bool whether or not to substract mean before pca pt_indices : int indices to include into PCA (if empty: include all points) args : list additional positional arguments (passed to pca) **kwargs : additional keyword arguments (passed to pca) Returns ------- np.array eigen_shapes """ landmarks = np.asarray(self.landmarks).copy() if pt_indices: landmarks = landmarks[:, pt_indices, :] if center: mean = np.mean(landmarks.reshape(-1, landmarks.shape[-1]), axis=0) landmarks = landmarks - mean landmarks_transposed = landmarks.transpose((0, 2, 1)) reshaped = landmarks_transposed.reshape(landmarks.shape[0], -1) pca = PCA(*args, **kwargs) if scale: components = pca.components_ * pca.singular_values_.reshape(-1, 1) else: components = pca.components_ return np.array([pca.mean_] + list(components)).reshape( components.shape[0] + 1, *landmarks_transposed.shape[1:]).transpose(0, 2, 1)